Friday, April 20, 2007

PO Box 490
Waterville, WA 98858
February 27, 2007

Dear fourth grade,
Hi, my name is Daniel and I want to tell you about myself. where I live, and about my school.
First I want to tell you about myself. I like video games like Def Jam Dam. In that game you can crush the bodies of rappers. I am 10 years old and I have sandy blond hair. My happy place is the beach. When I find seashells and other interesting things I am excited about it.
Second, I live on Badger Mountain. I love it when you get to snow board on a snow boarding mountain at the ski hill near my house. My favorite snowboarding tricks are a 360 Indy and when we get to jump off large jumps.
Last, I want to tell about my school. I know you would enjoy our school because we get to do art. You would also like that we get P.E., reading, music and library. In P.E. we get to play dodgeball. Right now we are reading about the Middle Ages. Last week we made castles and shields following the ancient rules. You would like it a lot.

All in all, now you know about me, where I live, and about my school. I hope you write back to me before June 14 which is when our school is over for the summer.
Your friend,


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